Amazing Whale Facts
If a Blue Whale ate out of a cereal bowl...
it would eat enough food in a day to fill 64,000 cereal bowls.
Whales Have Hair!
Most people don’t think that whales have hair, but they do. It is thin and sparse, so unless you are seeing one up close you wouldn’t think it was there at all.
A Single Breath from a Blue Whale ...
...can inflate 2,000 balloons!
Orca Whales are Big Dolphins
...and dolphins are small whales!
How Rare is the Atlantic Right Whale?
VERY! There are just over an estimated 400 Atlantic right whales on the planet, making it one of the Most Endangered Animals On Earth . Over 50% of Northern right whales have scars from prior fishing gear entanglements.
Southern Right Whales use their Tails as Sails
They have been observed using their flukes as sails.
Whales have huge mouths, but...
Their throats are relatively small. A Blue Whale's throat is only as big as a basketball, so it can barely swallow something bigger than a grapefruit (but that's okay, it doesn't need to when it eats krill!).
A Mom Whale's Milk is as Thick As...
Toothpaste! It's very fatty to help her calf grow quickly. Baby blue whales can grow 8 pounds in an hour! Mother and baby whales develop very strong, close bonds and stay together constantly, which depending on the type of whale, may last a few years to a lifetime.